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quick question about the skyrim editor

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i've noticed that when looking at the inventory, it shows me carrying like over 4 billion iron arrows/ daggers/ swords/ shields/ axes/ etc.

what are these items? and is anything going to be screwed up if i set their amounts to 0?


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They are always gonna be there. Its like a value that Sonic can't figure out I guess. I asked the same question and I know that they are always there when you go to your inventory.



    King of Bacon

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No, the value is actually correct, to an extent. Those are what are called 'default' items, meaning that the game expects them to be in your inventory even if the item isn't listed in the inventory. Thus, to make them 'not' in your inventory, the game adds them in and adds the quantity of -1 to them so they disappear. This is why they show up.


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Thanks Sonic, I forgot what it really meant but still I noticed that they are always there so i just leave them alone.

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