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How to use?

how to use skyrim

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This is for the Skyrim editor tool.

This may have already been asked before, but how exactly do you mod the Attributes like Health, Magica or even Smithing or Sneak? After I attempted to mod it, my health is sitting at '1000/10', same with Stamina...

The whole 'Mod Levels', 'Second Mod Levels' and 'Base Mod Levels' (as well as the number under 'Active') are kinda confusing to someone who is new to more than a simple 'fill in 1 number' interface like me. I'm sure it's something simple that I just can't figure out..



    King of Bacon

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Yeah it can tend to be confusing at times. Set each of the different values (mod, second, etc) to the same levels, and then make sure the 'activated' option is set to 0


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Everything seems to work fine now, thanks! I think the last two 0's in 1000 were hidden by the bar, lol. The only thing that doesn't seem to work is the carrying capacity. I set it to 500 from 300 and it didn't take ingame... other than that, works great :)



    King of Bacon

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There's more than one usually, I think you have to get beyond the 'intro' part of the game, and it should show up in two spots then and allow you to change it.


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I want to find the value that allows you to set your skills to 100 but still be able to level them up like normal. Any thoughts Sonic



    Dumb arse

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 khaos198, on 12 September 2012 - 12:10 PM, said:

I want to find the value that allows you to set your skills to 100 but still be able to level them up like normal. Any thoughts Sonic
once you set them to 100 you cant lvl them the game stops collecting exp, what you can do is set them to 100 give your self the perk points you activate the perks you need then set them back down to what they where before and lvl them you keep the perks, you unlocked then when you get to what ever lvl you want or max out again zero out your perks, but you will have to edit them on all lvl's and set the active to 1 if its zero it wont work. Also the game reverts them some times so you may have to do it a few time. things to look out for
1. Do not have any items equ. that change your stats
2 do not exceed the games limit ex over 100 or for weapon speed over 2 that jazz
3. health stm and magic if done correctly will also transfer over when you change forms from vamp lord or wolf

side note the last menu for modding stats i have found can be used to edit equipped items, it will not stick some times but you can be precise when it does stick, also you can reset your lvl and go past 81 but the enemies health and stats will scale from 81 like they do from lvl 1 so by the time you are 250 they can be… problematic… so you will have to use the restoration glitch to increase your items accordingly, or spend over 300 arrows killing a deer.
I know im not sonic rat but I am just trying to help, and considering I have put over 1000 hours in skyrim, ( my newest person is a 150 hours ) I would like others to learn easily the things I had to learn the hard way.
If I am wrong please correct me, if I am right ignore me.
Good luck, and good skrimming



    Dumb arse

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edit.... it was a double post.
check the shout box Sonic has heard your plea and is close to finishing the update

Edited by Major, 13 September 2012 - 04:35 AM.

Also tagged with how, to, use, skyrim

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