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Hearthfire Hex Editing


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    Dumb arse

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Ok short and sweet how to edit items if you have the Dawnguard and the Hearthfire.
Due to the way the game loads your dlc Hearthfire takes the 02 spot and Dawnguard takes the 03.
so if it is xx1234 qqqqqq then for the hearth fire you need to make it 021234 but remember to invert it to find it in the file so your search would be 341202, then like dawnguard you will be changing the Array but considering most of the "Items" that are in there are easy to find or make, do your self a favor and buy/mod a Crapton of Iron, then any misc trader will have the straw/glass/goathorns. The milk i find on bandits a lot (Guess they where really milk drinkers), the butter you can get in your kitchen or buy that stuff from the food people. Or make a crapload of nails then change the id over to what item you want. ( remember it will change all items like that in the game even the ones in your houses ) then make more nails and go at it. Nails because you get 10 for every iron bar and it makes the process a lot faster. Also you can find goat horns on any goat so i have been doing a purge on the little guys i see em i kill them.

Now Dawnguard items will be 03 now so you will have to account for that and my word of advice is. Do the BoneHawk items and the yellow mountain flowers. If you do the armor or weapons any item like that will be changed over that is in the game. So if i do all the vampire armor changed to say monk robes then all the vampires will now have monk robes, or any other armor/weapon/item i changed to. Now because of this the newly spawned people will still be using the old array so they will also spawn with the monk robes, kind of funny for a little while but gets old quick. Now if you do the flowers or the bone hawk items when they spawn in the world they will have a new array slot made for them so you don't pick a flower and get armor. That is why i say to use them, but its your game do what you want.

Remember when messing with the array you don't need a barrel or any thing else, just extract the savegame.dat and look for the inverted xxxx03 for dawnguard, and the xxxx02 for hearthfire. If you are unable to do this just relax and give them time, they will get SAIO updated before you know it and it will all be gravy again. Remember that this is not a simple task to make these programs and keep them updated and Sonic Rat just finished updating the Skyrim and now he has to go back at it. He will get it sorted out just give'm some time, its like building a moat then watching the invaders show up with pontoon boats and having to build yet another defense.

Good luck


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So if we are gonna be putting dawngaurd items into SAIO, now we need to put a 03 instead of 02? Would explain a lot. Have you tested this?



    Dumb arse

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 khaos198, on 12 September 2012 - 12:09 PM, said:

So if we are gonna be putting dawngaurd items into SAIO, now we need to put a 03 instead of 02? Would explain a lot. Have you tested this?

no SAIO will treat it as an unkown wait for the update and sonic rat will have it fixed as of wed sept 12th the only way to do it is to hex edit i sent you a message to give you some easy ways to get the items you need

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