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issue getting SAIO premium to work.

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i downloaded SAIO, bought a 1 month sub, added my hardware ID to my profile, realized i should have added the HWID first before buying the sub, so i cancelled recurring payments on the 1 month sub, and upgraded to the next level.

So why can I still not use any of the premium features on the program? Was it really that massive of a goof up that i didn't add the ID first?


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ok, now why is it not showing that i upgraded? i was certainly charged the extra 15 dollars to upgrade, and yet when i check my subscription, it still shows my original one. what is going on here?



    King of Bacon

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When you forget to put the HWID in first, it has to be done by hand, which requires PM'ing either me or Gauntlet. I'll get it fixed.


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Thanks so much, sorry for my screwup.



    King of Bacon

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NP, I'll fix your subscription status as well.


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thank you.

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