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Teamviewer General Use Tutorial

How to Teamviewer Help Tutorial

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TeamViewer is available as a full version ( requires installation) and also a quick support exe file (portable and standalone). So you can choose which one you want to install on your PC. Note that in order to connect two PCs, at least one of them should have the full version installed.
In this article, we give a step-by-step guide as to how to use TeamViewer to connect to a remote computer. We assume that the quick support exe file is running on the remote computer, and a full version on your local Computer. This scenario is fairly common, such as when you want to remotely connect to your colleague’s or customer’s PC without requiring them to install any software. Before you start with this tutorial, download TeamViewer. TeamViewer is available for both Windows and Mac OSX. The latest version, TeamViewer 7 is compatible with Windows 7.

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1. Letting Another User Connect to you

In order to initiate a connection, TeamViewer should be running on both the computers. Send your ID and Password located in the same area as the photo bellow to your partner and wait for the connection. Once connected your partner will be able to view your screen as well as control your mouse if given permission.

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2. Connecting to the Remote Computer

In order to initiate a connection, TeamViewer should be running on both the computers. Ask your friend or customer who is running TeamViewer on the remote computer to note down the ID and Password and send it to you via Email, IM, etc.

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On your local machine’s TeamViewer, enter the remote computer’s ID in the ‘Create session’ panel, and hit ‘Connect to partner’.

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Enter the password in the TeamViewer Authentication dialog, and click ‘LogOn’.

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That’s it. You immediately get access to the remote computer’s desktop. A menu bar at the top of the TeamViewer window gives you access to many features and settings under the menus: ‘Actions’, ‘View’, ‘Audio/Video’, ‘File transfer’, ‘Extras’.

Also tagged with How to, Teamviewer, Help, Tutorial

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