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Hex Editing Skyrim Dawnguard Items

Skyrim Dawnguard SAIO HEX Armor Ancient Falmer Hex Editing Modding Barrel Tutorial

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    King of Bacon

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The form array isn't the last section of the file, there's another part that's almost always blank, but it's there anyway. It's not all too bad to deal with by hand, but if you are trying to add items to the array then you have to deal with a lot of other things as well.



    Dumb arse

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yeah i found that out last night about the adding things.... the check sums don't come out ok and its over my head complexity...
but it was fun trying out and testing things, only problem is i changed over some vampire armor to weapons and the "Dawnguard" heavy armor for the undead in the soul area... now most of the vampires at the home stead have no clothes on....
kind of makes them not seem so bad a$$ when they only got a loin cloth on... lolz
still love your program made my life a lot easier with adding ingredients and jazz. and i learned a lot about hex in the process win win in my book except for the nude vamps... that umm i will just pretend never happened.

thx for the good times now i have to finish my paper on Plato's Republic.... Titled "Why does Plato taste salty?"
oh good people once more into the breach for the cause of the subjective illusion we call Justice.


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how can i hex edit in order to change, say 50 dragonbone arrows into 5000? how can i use the barrel trick with the new expansion. ive only been able to successfully do this with gold.



    Dumb arse

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 Kold, on 27 August 2012 - 02:29 AM, said:

how can i hex edit in order to change, say 50 dragonbone arrows into 5000? how can i use the barrel trick with the new expansion. ive only been able to successfully do this with gold.

Well if you have buy the prem. then you just have to click it, other then that you just need to find the pointer for it buy counting its position in the array then change the Quantity value for set pointer, if you go back a page you can see some formulas to make this easier.
or you can put dragon bone in a barrel and edit so you have a crap load and the same with wood and just make a crap ton.

or wait in a few days the new update will have all dawnguard fixes cause sonic rat is a beast and is work'n his arse off to please us picky gamers.

just remember to invert the quantity when you are doing it old school style.


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Hi all,

Okay, I'm still having quite a bit of trouble with this. So far, I've got my gold (1234) and a set of Vampire Robes in my barrel. I want to turn the robes into either the vampire hood (XX019ADE) or, if possible, the clothing version of the Vampire Lord Armor (XX011A84). So far I've been able to locate the barrel with my gold and the value 00000F04 for the robes. I have no idea what to do to this value to change it to what I want. Alternatively, I've also searched for the Hex Value DF9A01 to find the robes and I get two instances of that but changing either does nothing. I'm really wracking my brain trying to figure this out, help would be greatly appreciated.



    King of Bacon

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If it's a dawnguard item, the ID will only really show up in the form ID array, which is where you would change it to whatever you like.


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Just curious, to me it feel like i'm missing the first chapter of the story, I am pretty comfortable with hex, but is there a way to say find a certain spell I want or shout/item, how would i know where to find the ids for them, would I need to first find a list of all spells ect and then do a search for that spell name, (where would I search), is there a list somewhere that will tell me all the id hexes for different crap, im using SAIO but, can't get nothing to pop up in the form ID's box, just trying to learn on a new system, lol... Im use to modio, and Cheat Engine ( messing with array of bytes and crap) any help will be appreciated, post or pm.................also on a side not, I cant seem to get the changes to magic health stamina and carrying weight to stick, and it look like there is more then one place to edit them, I press update with change, but on game it only sticks for a sec. thanks......


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found a site with what look to be all the id's, but still cant get health mana stamina and storage max levels to increase, any thoughts .........


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Hey Atomicgunz, are you using Sonic's Skyrim edito in SAIO?

that is most likely your best and easiest way to edit hp, mana and stamina..

The only other way would be to edit it with the pc version..


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is there a video on youtube or something??



    King of Bacon

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For editing manually, I don't believe so. It requires a considerable amount of knowledge on how the file is structured. If you want to just swap items out for new ones, then it's not as bad. You can just replace the item ID as it shows up in the array with the new ID.

Also tagged with Skyrim, Dawnguard, SAIO, HEX, Armor, Ancient Falmer, Hex Editing, Modding, Barrel, Tutorial

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