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MineCraft Save Editor Request

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    Resident Z31 enthusiast

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Game Title: <MineCraft>
Game ID: <'584111F7'>
Feature Request: < dupication of already owned items or if possible maybe a way to add any items into your inventory maybe more carrying space>
Save Link : <http://www.mediafire...e4z44feqnbose4r>
Save Status: <Items in Inventory-36 Cobble stone, 1 ham, 3 grey wool, 2light grey wool, 1 diamond sword, 1 brick, 9 feathers, 7 string, 4 arrows, 2 leather, 3 gun powder, 5 bones, 1 white wool, 1 diamond, 1 gold ingot. 3 chests on the map stocked with several items as well and one house made of brick with a wood roof.>

Sonic just shoot me a pm if you need more saves or more information. Thank You
Posted Image
VG30 short block
Nismo heads
Haltech tuned
Custom upper/lower I-Mani
Custom equal length E-mani with 2 1/4 crossover

Eats Children

Randomz Mod Box:



    King of Bacon

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Ok, made some progress tonight, got the compression stuff handled/taken care of, LZX is a PITA. lol.



    Resident Z31 enthusiast

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Thanks Sonic, I made a mistake though in that save every item slot in my inventory is filled with one piece of gravel. other than that everything else is the same.
Posted Image
VG30 short block
Nismo heads
Haltech tuned
Custom upper/lower I-Mani
Custom equal length E-mani with 2 1/4 crossover

Eats Children

Randomz Mod Box:



    King of Bacon

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Yeah, I saw that and was a bit baffled. lol.



    Resident Z31 enthusiast

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LOL yeah sorry about that i uploaded my save from the computer and then got on the box to check contents but forgot that i had gotten rid of the gravel in my inventory and changed it up since the computer save. hope that didnt cause to much confusion or any complications man.
Posted Image
VG30 short block
Nismo heads
Haltech tuned
Custom upper/lower I-Mani
Custom equal length E-mani with 2 1/4 crossover

Eats Children

Randomz Mod Box:



    King of Bacon

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So... do you want to be able to change item types, and damage as well? Like for wood there's a couple of different types, etc.


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Don't know if it will save you time but 360 revolutions has a good working one that's free

either steal theres or use the item list as a guide or don't waste time as there's already one available for free upto you sonic



    King of Bacon

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I already have an item list, the item lists are public on Minecraft Wiki, the thing is there are items that have different types with the same ID, which can be changed, along with item data. Does 360R allow type editing or do they just use the standard ID like every other editor i've seen? Do they pack in fairchild's extractor like nearly everyone else does too? Seems nobody wants to take the time to figure out LZX.


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Not sure dude what do you mean by type editing? it has all the different items available and lets you change the quantity between 1 and 64. certain items only allow 1 item such as mine carts etc so you need 2 slots for 2 carts. It's just an item location 1-whatever number dropdown item list and then a quantity field.

I'm not saying you can't do better i was just wondering if it was worth doing better as the current one does the job if that makes sense.



    King of Bacon

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Like wood for example, there are multiple textures for wood yet they all use the same item ID. Most editors don't allow you to change the texture, they just go with the default.



    Errr... What?....

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 vvomble, on 21 June 2012 - 07:19 PM, said:

Don't know if it will save you time but 360 revolutions has a good working one that's free

either steal theres or use the item list as a guide or don't waste time as there's already one available for free upto you sonic

The 360 version of minecraft is a stripped down port of the pc game... the item lists already exist also stealing others work is not an attitude that should be encouraged as it is lazy and build bad relations



    Resident Z31 enthusiast

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currently there are two types of "raw wood" there is the white birch looking stuff and the normal brown. while it stacks in different piles it is used exactly the same and things craft out of either say like, wood plank, stacks the same. But i think being able to change around the damage and item types would be awesome. anything you think we can edit i would enjoy playing around with :D
Posted Image
VG30 short block
Nismo heads
Haltech tuned
Custom upper/lower I-Mani
Custom equal length E-mani with 2 1/4 crossover

Eats Children

Randomz Mod Box:

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