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Skyrim Editer

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    Skyrim Junky

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 Gauntlet, on 17 June 2012 - 10:52 AM, said:

This whole thread what quite an entertaining read 10/10 would read again

lol i know right


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I'm new to the forums, so if this is the wrong place to post this, I'm very sorry, but after searching around, this seemed like the best place. My question is regarding the Skyrim editor and subscriptions. Frankly,the only thing on this site I'm interested in getting g right now is the Skyrim editor, it looks and sounds amazing, but my question is, if I buy a one month subscription, and download the editor, will I no longer get updates for it? It is quite possible that as I become interested in other things, I will buy a month at a time here and there to download them, but the thing is, $10 here and there once every few months or so is one thing, but $50 all at once is kind of a lot for me if at the moment; I just want the one editor. If I buy the one month plan for the Skyrim editor, will I no longer be able to use it after the one month is up? Thank you all in advance for your time and help. I hope I posted in the right place.



    King of Bacon

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Yes, that's correct. Essentially it is a subscription to the program itself, not a particular editor that you are paying for.

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