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Skyrim Mod Tool

skyrim editor inventory stats character

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I have been looking for a decent Skyrim mod tool. But this exceeds my hopes I can't wait to be able to use it.


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 SonicRaT, on 24 May 2012 - 07:49 AM, said:

I've been working on a Skyrim Mod Tool, and have made some good progress. At the moment you can edit:

Lock Picks
Stats (Health, Magicka, Stamina, Carry Weight, etc)
Skills (Archery, etc)
General Statistics
All Global Variables
Basic inventory

I'm working on adding in spells/perks. Anything else people would like put in?

So where can we download it then?



    King of Bacon

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It's in SAIO


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 SonicRaT, on 30 June 2012 - 07:49 AM, said:

Just about done with shouts... running out of ideas for new things to add
Hey I'm new here, looking for anyone that was still working on a Skyrim mod. I don't know how difficult this would be, but is there any way you can input in a respawn NPC mod like the PC game has? I'd like to bring some of the interesting characters that died back into the game.


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Why premium? I don't have the money for it -.- it seems like I damn good editor too.


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 JacobGuardian, on 29 March 2013 - 07:50 PM, said:

So where can we download it then?
my question exactly


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Edit: Never mind about that, I ended up getting it anyway.



    A Beginning Modder

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Is the Dragonborn, and Hearthfire addons included in this tool too? and by the way i'm new here, just joined today.



    King of Bacon

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The tool is designed to be modular, in that it automatically loads and parses IDs based upon the DLC packs as they're released. However, it doesn't keep an up-to-date item database for items/etc -- so while it "supports" them, some of the items/spells/etc would have to be added by ID and such.

Also tagged with skyrim, editor, inventory, stats, character

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