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SAIO Abusive members cought worldwide !

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So i am just doing a lil work here and seen guys that are charging-abusing-this tool like KID would , i am a coder well know uber member in hackforums and i know how hard its to patch up codes are so this is my first abuser guy i will continue to post has i find more just for a heads up to

User:Tandeming - in TTG
POST : http://www.thetechga...rvice-free.html

User:four-twenty - in TTG
POST :http://www.thetechgame.com/Forums/t=3220326/modding-forza-4-unicorn-cars-for-free.html



    Errr... What?....

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Most of them i am already aware of, and yes it gets increasingly aggravating to see it done, yet within our current limitations framework what they are doing is legal.

Also : Caught



    King of Bacon

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At the moment, only those whom charge or prioritize those who donate/pay are in violation and at risk of being suspended.



    PC Gamer for dayz

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Thats funny joker, the limitations got put in place because people modded their save for money, I modded peoples for FREE! Can you see the difference there? Or are you once of those blatent people who as long as you see a person modding using SAIO you must straight away accuse them for charging? Re-think your post please.
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