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Skyrim mod tool Guidance?

Lacking a tutorial

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  • Premium
  • 7 posts
  • LocationLeyawiin
After purchasing Premium for Life just to use Skyrim's modding tool, It would be nice to know what the other 65% of things the tool can do, what they specifically effect, and how to use them.

The things I've managed to do have been changing Skill levels and Health/Magicka/Stamina in the Base Levels category, as well as adding items to my inventory, Those I'm fine with and figured out.
But if you can explain the other things I have questions about, I'll be quite grateful. :)

Things I don't quite understand:
  • The Mod Levels and Second Mod Levels categories. What do they do, and how can I make them work? so far changing anything in them has made no difference I could find in the Save.
  • Aggression, Confidence, Morality, and Assistance. I feel like these things would be used for NPC's, but do they actually make a difference in your character?
  • Speed Multiplier, I feel this would affect your character's movement speed, but any changes made no difference in my character at all. Is it not what I think it is? does it not work? or is there a specific way to change it to make it work?
  • Unknown Skill [34]/[37]/[72]/[77], Does anyone perhaps know what these do? I was too fearful to test them myself.
  • Plugin Pack, I have suspected this would need to be changed depending on what you're adding if it came from a specific DLC or not, however I would need confirmation on that. If not, what is it for?
  • Dragon Shouts, I cannot seem to figure this out. I've tried adding the shout itself, and each word, and each individually on its own. Nothing ever shows up.
  • Form ID Category, what is it and what can I do with it?
Any answers for these will be appreciated. Also, I'm not experienced in coding or anything, so if you can, please try to explain this to me like I am a simpleton. ^_^
Thank you.



    King of Bacon

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From what I remember, the "mod levels" are some basic stats for your character -- except they're stored in multiple tables. How they're actually calculated is somewhat of a mystery. Sometimes they show up as a temporary "stat" bonus, other times they correctly alter your base stat. This is further made difficult by the flag I have labeled as "enabled." It's one of those things that you just have to experiment with. As regard to the other stats, it's possible they are just NPC stats that are left over in the player data profile. I'm not sure about the unknown skills or speed multiplier. The "Plugin Pack" is required to match the DLC of any item you are adding -- often times people mistakenly think that this is included in the item ID, but the ID can "change" depending upon other DLC you have. The dragon shouts are relatively new -- there was a thread somewhere that described how to properly work with those -- I'll look for it. You can ignore the form ID tab, that's just there for reference and for the sake of looking to see what kind of ID's are in the Form ID list.


  • Premium
  • 7 posts
  • LocationLeyawiin
Alright thanks. :)
I'll continue experimenting with it, maybe I'll end up making a tutorial for it depending on how much more I discover.

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