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Mincraft Editor Q

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Was just wondering if there is any updates for the minecraft editor coming out?
Lately when I try and use it my save wont load :(

Also is there away to add items instead of just swapping items out?

So like say there is 20 slots of space (not including armor slots and the main bar just in the bag) could you have 20 drop down lists to select items from?

just wondering its no big deal haha..



    King of Bacon

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Upload a copy of the save, I think there were some MC updates that nuked the original editor.


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ah ok thanks here its the link


It opens it fine and I can edit it, but when I save it just says 'save failed' :(


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I wish I was notified of this earlier, I had just completely ruined a survival world with plenty of hours poured into it by trying to get a single normal item. :(
I was too dumb to not think I would need a back-up save, and re-editing the changes back to normal numbers does not help, the game will still freeze the second I try to load it.
Please, if anyone knows any possible way, or can think of one, to make the file start working again, I don't want to tell my niece I just broke a world we both worked really hard on.


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  • LocationLeyawiin
I assume if I'm ever getting help, I'd need to upload the Save.

Please, it's been a week, there has to be someone who can at least respond.

Edit: For comparison, Here is a save of the same world just much earlier on in progression.

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