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SAIO USB Explorer

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The USB Explorer will not work on any of my USB's. I have a 16gb and 32gb, neither will work. It shows in the USB Explorer, but when I try to launch it it just says "Error occurred trying to initialize USB." They are both SanDisk brand, if that matters.

It works on my 120gb HDD and 250gb HDD, just not my USB's.

I am on Windows 8, I always Run as Admin and I have tried all of the compatibility options.

Please help! I have just bought Lifetime Premium and I would like the convenience of the USB explorer so that I don't need to unplug my HDD just to mod.

Thanks in advance.



    King of Bacon

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Yeah, the USB is in need of serious updates. Back when I first wrote it the sizes were relatively small so there are a couple of limits that break now that they've increased the potential size. Namely, the number of files on the device. If there are a lot of files on the device, it'll likely give you errors. I've been working on updating everything. In the meantime, USBXTAF works just fine for transferring off USB if you have issues.


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Thanks for the info. And yeah, I do have a few programs for exploring devices. Any idea when it will be updated?




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Mine say's the same thing "Error occurred trying to initialize USB and i have a PNY 64gb flash drive usb 2.0


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Try using a smaller drive, like 2gb-4gb SAIO works fine with smaller drives...

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