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Mandatory Kinect?

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According to a new claim/rumor that has come out today, the next-generation Xbox will require a Kinect sensor to be plugged in at all times to be able to function.

Every console will be coming with a Kinect, although it will be a much more advanced version of the Kinect, right out of the box.

The new Kinect will apparently be capable of tracking up to six people at the same time, and can track smaller things such as hands and fingers, facial recognition, and even facial expressions.

According to reports, the next-gen console will also have multi-tasking capabilities, including the ability to run more than one game at a time. Another feature could be one that allows you to "suspend" a game, meaning you can switch to another game and then back without losing your exit point in either.

Also, reports say that unlike the Xbox 360, all Durango consoles will come with a 500GB internal hard drive. Also, full disc games will require mandatory installation on the first boot-up, but the installation can be done in the background while you are playing the game.

Recently, reports from Edge have come out that the new Xbox will require an always-on internet connection, which will allow Microsoft to detect and block the people from playing used games.

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im liking a better kinect.. i am not liking the fact it would be always on...

and im not liking the whole


the new Xbox will require an always-on internet connection, which will allow Microsoft to detect and block the people from playing used games
bit.. what if you are in a location where you can not get decent internet (yes still in Australia... even though we invented the internet connection that all other countries are using. we are the last to implement it.. :(

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