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"Xbox On"

next gen console xbox 720

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The next-generation Xbox will be coming with voice recognition right out of the box, according to sources. By using the verbal command of "Xbox on" the Xbox should start up.

You should also be able to ask your Xbox, "What are my friends playing?" and it should show you a list of who's doing what online so that you can join the fun.

The next-generation Xbox will also be revamped, meaning the new Xbox is going to talk back to you when you ask it a question. The big question is, what kind of personality is Microsoft going to give to it?

Also, since Microsoft owns Skype, the VOIP service is expected to find its way into the next-generation console.

Reports have said that Microsoft's next console could also stop playing second-hand, or pre-owned games, thanks to the always-on Internet connection that verifies each title.

We are all expecting an announcement with more details to come at E3 this summer, so we can put rumors aside.

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