SO GTAV's release date is September more info here
Why is it September lol
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Started by
, Feb 06 2013 05:23 PM
Posted 06 February 2013 - 05:23 PM
Posted 06 February 2013 - 11:47 PM
Posted 07 February 2013 - 12:42 AM
It's been a looong time. Probably a bit longer than justifiable by their relatively weak excuse. Likely due to budgeting and other dumb reasons nobody cares about.
Posted 07 February 2013 - 01:10 AM
They released a press release stating that the rumors that the hold up is because of the wait to launch on the 720 are unfounded and untrue.
MFW Official announcement GTA5 on 720
MFW Official announcement GTA5 on 720
Posted 07 February 2013 - 04:52 PM
ah but they could just be saying its untrue
I wasn't complaining about the delay by the way, just posting it just in case people wanted to know, and saying its so far
I wasn't complaining about the delay by the way, just posting it just in case people wanted to know, and saying its so far
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