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Skyrim Tutorial

skyrim xbox help

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I've gotten the basic gist of this program, like how to edit basic stats and add basic moves... but is there some sort of tutorial on all the stuff you can do with Saio or a page with information/IDs of stuff SPECIFICALLY for the XBOX?

Like for example, how to add new moves like the PUSH (Eject Player Effect)?

How to reduce the shout time to Zero?

How to add Dragon breath attacks?

Or increasing your skills without increasing your Level?

Half the IDs that are out there don't seem to work. I can't seem to get certain items like the Greybeards Robes to work.

Any information would be appreciated.



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I was wondering the same thing. there probably isnt any tutorials on the fourms because nobody suggested anything in the past year



    King of Bacon

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Some things just aren't possible with the limited information available regarding the save format. Such as consistently being able to adjust skill points without a level up. There's too much unknown about the save file structure to able to locate certain elements. As a result, some lesser things got left behind in favor of the major items.


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do i need a premium account to mod or no?

Also tagged with skyrim, xbox, help

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