here is an idea i know the SAIO server records who is using it,so what if you just limit the people who abuse it and cut them down to so many profile as week?My idea will make people police them self and if they abuse SAIO then yall step in,i understand i only takes 1 person to mess something up for everyone,but if you make people take responsibility for them selfves then you will know who is out right abusing the program....
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Adding more profiles /week
Started by
, Apr 30 2012 10:57 AM
Posted 05 May 2012 - 11:58 AM

Posted 05 May 2012 - 05:00 PM

but the only thing is im not the only guy was doing it see i knows like 20 or more people was doing this i knows some of them was making good money at it until the new update came out lol
Posted 05 May 2012 - 08:52 PM

700club, on 04 May 2012 - 11:11 AM, said:
if u dont have an operational computer, how did u get ur save to Kyle Hillier so he could add unicorn cars with SAIO? also u r a horizon diamond member r u not??
Guessing you haven't herd of these fancy new things called cellphones have you ? You know they can send email and all sorts of things. It's amazing

Edit: Yes I am a diamond member on there, and platinum on some sites, and gold on others. I'm a member of almost every modding community for Xbox, ps3, pc, phones, and more. Want me to list those too so you don't need more detective work ??? Lol

Sorry if I don't see your reasoning for even asking ? Trying to get at something ? It's an open forum so if so say it

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