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Next-Gen Box to have 8 core CPU?!?!

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    Resident Z31 enthusiast

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It is rumored that an ex-Ubisoft employee known as 'BD' claims to know all information about the upcoming Next-Generation console from Microsoft, including the RAM, and much more.

According to him, the Next-Gen Xbox will have an eight-core CPU, and an 8800 series GPU. Whilst rumors are still going around about the new console running on a AMD HD 8000M graphics card.
It is also rumored that Microsoft will be using Windows 8 kernel for the system, which is to be expected, as they have been pushing it out a lot. He said that it will have 8 GB memory and a 640 GB hard drive.
Sources also say that Microsoft has refined DirectX 11 for a "fixed hardware gaming platform."
Please treat this like any other rumor, as nothing is confirmed yet. However, these are times when insiders can leak out information for a variety of reasons. E3 2013 will be held on June 13, so not long to go before Microsoft finally unveils the system to the world.

What are your thoughts on this?

Posted Image
VG30 short block
Nismo heads
Haltech tuned
Custom upper/lower I-Mani
Custom equal length E-mani with 2 1/4 crossover

Eats Children

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    King of Bacon

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I don't find myself impressed.



    Resident Z31 enthusiast

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Wish it was more powerful Sonic?
Posted Image
VG30 short block
Nismo heads
Haltech tuned
Custom upper/lower I-Mani
Custom equal length E-mani with 2 1/4 crossover

Eats Children

Randomz Mod Box:

Magik Ninja

Magik Ninja

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im impressed im hoping the windows kernel means easier modding ect :)



    King of Bacon

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It just seems that technology has hit a wall, so the solution is to just divide. Though, most things completely fail at multiprocessing, so things don't seem to be getting much faster anymore.

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