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Skyrim Editor question

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Hi Guys,

Im new here (of course lol) but just wanted to ask.

I have come across an annoying glitch in the game, one of the characters i need to talk to to do a quest to start another quest has died (why they make quest givers kill-able i dont know) is there away with the editor to bring them back (im going to guess no lol) or maybe add that quest as in progress or completed or something?

I dont have a earlier save :(

If i had it on pc id load it up and use the console to try and bring them back but dont have it on pc lol.

btw great work on the editor its awesome.



    Resident Z31 enthusiast

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I dont believe that you can re-add NPCs with SAIO
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    King of Bacon

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It just wouldn't be reasonably possible... :(


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Thats what i thought, damn Berth making quest givers killable and beggers immortal :S lol

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