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Ñборщик мебели алтуфьево бибирево отрадное
Oct 21 2012 04:56 AM
"You think particles can go through holes left over after the big bang? Rewright this paper i can not accept this thesis." ( told to me 3 years ago by a Prof. ) http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/news/mag-portals.html .... Guess who got a Told you so email. Boohya My PHD thesis is back on baby Inter Dimensional Drift, yeah yeah yeah maybe i still have a chance to be shot in space?
Sep 18 2012 08:20 PM
"When others place impossable expecations on a man, he must redefine his goals and forge his own path. That way at least someone is satisfied" (Brian Herbert)
Sep 12 2012 07:04 PM
hello everytime if i want to loggin there is an error msg eith too many redirects
May 27 2012 03:38 AM
hello everytime if i want to loggin there is an error msg eith too many redirects
May 27 2012 03:37 AM